Tag Archives: Self Improvement

48. Find your creativity.


This can be hard to do at any age. So often, by the time we’re in our late teens and early 20s, theCreative expectations of others get in the way of who we are and who we want to be. Some of us go to college and get a degree in something we’re not that excited about, or some of us drift through our 20s, trying to find a sense of purpose. A few will follow their dream and get knocked down or succeed. The beauty is, creativity is there for the taking, no matter where you are in your life. I believe we are all creative people and there are many ways it can be expressed. Here are a few things creative people have in common:

They see inspiration in everything. Creative spirits become inspired by anything and everything, from an unusual pattern on a leaf to the bright lights of a city at night. They see the world as their oyster, and have a knack for finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places.

They practice self-development. Imaginative people know that a foggy, unproductive, negative brain will block their creativity and not allow them to express themselves fully. They read self-help books, practice mindfulness, meditate, do yoga, and say positive affirmations. (See https://wisebefore25.com/2014/12/31/46-resolutions-can-be-daunting-affirmations-are-self-empowering/)

They have a “yes” mentality. They say yes to life, because they know this will create more opportunities for them. They do things even when they’re scared or unsure – they realize that momentum coupled with a positive attitude create the perfect mixture for exciting things to happen. If you’d like to see more traits of creative people, read this enlightening article:         http://www.powerofpositivity.com/25-things-creative-people-differently/

I for one am going to get started on another entry for this blog! And make a new recipe from the “Cooking with Everything Trader Joe’s” cookbook http://www.amazon.com/Cooking-With-Things-Trader-Cookbook/dp/0979938481 – the Chicken Marsala Casserole on page 156 looks tantalizing.

Word to the wise: Whether it’s visiting a museum, making your favorite recipe or writing the Great American Novel, do something for your soul today. You know, just walking through a store like Urban Outfitters or Anthropolgie makes me feel more creative. Of course, writing this blog helps, too!

What inspires you? Note: If I’m lucky enough to get a book deal, your comments may be published anonymously in the upcoming book, “Wise Before 25, 50 Things Young Women Need to Know.”